Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rainy days are still beautiful in Italy

On Tuesday (5/1), it was a beautiful morning and most of the group decided to walk to the villa in the morning. I was still exhausted from jetlag and because we stayed up until after midnight, so I opted to sleep in the extra 45 minutes. True, it would have been good to get the exercise to work off some of that gazillion calories I'd been ingesting, but I was on vacation, so just let it go people....

View outside my bedroom  looking the other way
View out the the living room into the piazza

Jenna the barrista (aka the espresso beeotch)

Shortly after we arrived at the villa, it started to rain. No worries though, because the wine started flowing almost immediately after I finished making espressos and cappuccinos for the group.
All of today's ingredients beautifully displayed

Carla demonstrates the proper way to tie the roast so that the pancetta maintains full contact with the roast

 We made Bolognese sauce (now I know what I'm going to do with all my tomatoes in the garden this summer!), Brasato al Barolo roast and panna cotta with strawberry/wine/amaretto sauce, and finally...Pappardelle. On the side, Carla decided to prepare some spinach to go with the roast and surprised us all when she added the slightest hint of nutmeg.

Demonstrating the proper way to release the Pappardelle from its folds

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