Thursday, April 26, 2012

Christmas 2011 in Costa Rica (In Hindsight)

Having recently acquired my first passport in October 2011, I decided a trip was in order. I knew that I was not going to have my kids for Christmas, and there was absolutely NO way I was going to wake up in the house with no kids. Christmas is just too big and special in this house. So, I had to get out. What better excuse to try out that shiny new passport? So, I tried to find (what I thought) would be the most non-Christmas-y place to be so that I wouldn't miss the kids too much. First criteria - no snow. Also didn't want to be around families or couples or any of that stuff. So, I found a tour company that catered to singles and served up action packed vacations. Bike Hike Adventures was a wonderful choice! I had a blast and was so busy I didn't have a chance to be completely miserable missing my kids.  We went white water rafting on Class III/IV rapids for two days, hiking from our campsite to see a waterfall, hiking through the rain forest and the Arenal Volcano, soaking in the hot spring, hiking to a massive waterfall, zip lining, sea kayaking, braved public transportation during free time to get to the beach, and miscellaneous other adventures. There were 6 of us in the group (plus 3 guides for the white water rafting ).  Had an amazing time and I will try to come back and fill in some more details another time, but I need to finish getting ready for my next adventure that begins tomorrow!
Hiking after the first day of white water rafting took us to this wonderful hidden gem. 

Alejandro (guide), Jess, Melissa, Me, Moira, Jeff, Marlon (guide)
  in the back - Brian, and Jeffrey (safety kayaker)

Standing in front of the huge waterfall near Arenal. 

 Me and my roommate Moira - she's a history teacher from Pennsylvania. 

Me and my fear of heights...on a zip line! Woo Hoo - cross that one off the bucket list. 

Beautiful view of the sunset from the hotel in Quepos. 

 Getting ready for sea kayaking, which turned out to be a rather dubious choice of tour guides... 

Majestic views of blue ocean crashing over volcanic rocks

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